Study Details
- Title:
- ERP Face Recognition of Primates
- Researcher:
- Maryam Mohamed
- Term:
- Fall 2024
- Description:
- Are you an individual with normal or corrected to normal vision between the ages of 18-50? We are conducting an EEG-based study on how humans perceive primate faces! If you are not familiar with EEG, essentially we put a sensor cap on your head and record brain activity while you look at different kinds of pictures. Recording brain activity is analogous to recording a voice into a recorder. The EEG sensor hat is made up of small sensors that just sit on your head. Nothing goes into your brain during the recording, it is just recording any electrical activity that is from your brain. The sensor hat is first soaked in some warm water, so this means your head & hair will get a little bit wet, but not completely soaked. We will provide a towel if you want to wipe your face or hair! Here are some examples of an EEG cap: Individuals must first complete a demographics questionnaire (link here:, and then schedule an in-person visit to our lab. The lab is located on the second floor of Campbell Hall. This primarily in-person study is worth 1 REP point for every 30 minutes of your time, plus 1 for travel and 1 for making it to the appointment. This study will take up to 90 minutes to complete (although generally less than 1 hour), and each person will receive 5 REP points for their participation. A majority of the sessions are scheduled sometime between Monday-Friday. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Thank you!
- Delivery Format:
- Live (in-person or remote) and self-guided (online)
- Maximum number of sessions:
- 1
- Maximum Time Commitment:
- 90 minutes
- Maximum REP Point Award:
- 5
- Requirements:
- 18 and over
- Normal (or corrected) vision
- Other: Moderate English Proficiency
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